As you progress from casual triathlons to competitive, this suggested code of etiquette quite often becomes legitimized, with varying degrees of consequence. We looked into the major endurance triathlon rulebooks to find the rules you might actually get disqualified for:

1. Triathlons are a non-contact sportbackground_triathlon17

In any triathlon,  the sheer number of competitors can be overwhelming, especially if there is a rowdy crowd or urban course. Athletes should make sure to keep it clean & keep hands to him/herself. The consequence for using foul language, acting aggressive towards crowd or towards competitors is immediate disqualification.


2. Don’t be a streaker

Screen Shot 2016-05-26 at 11.14.11 AMDue to the wardrobe changes required in triathlons, event regulators have ensured that nudity or indecent exposure during changes results in a time penalty added to your finishing time. Keep in mind that the USA Triathlon race manual governs most races across the country.


3. Swim Clockwise (unless specified)


At the Rev3 Triathlon in Cedar Point, Ohio, athletes are required to swim in a clockwise direction. Counterclockwise swimming could lead to disqualification so make sure you check the direction of the course.


4. Buckle your helmet before mounting your bike

A common rule in most triathlons, every cyclist must wear a helmet, make sure your chinstraps are completely fastened before you mount your bike. What’s the consequence of not buckling all fasteners on your helmet? Immediate disqualification.


5. Friends and Family Must Stay Past the Finish Line


Despite friends and family’s excitement to watch you cross the finish line after quite a few hours of racing, be sure to remind them to stay behind the finish line. If any non-competitors enter the designated course, even at the end of the race, the associated competitor will be disqualified after all of that hard work.