With the holiday season in full swing, you might get stressed just thinking about the hours you might spend at the airport or mall. That’s why This Week’s blog post shares tips to help you manage your mental, physical, and emotional health during the holidays. We’ll explore ways to maintain holiday health on airplanes, how to manage your stress (and budget) while shopping, and the benefits of volunteering. So check out these tips and turn your “ho hum” stress to “ho ho ho” joy!

Don’t let airplane sickness ruin your holidays.

While travel delays can be a downer, it’s even worse if you get sick while en route. If you are traveling by plane, two of the biggest carriers of germs are tray tables and bathroom sinks/faucets. Using alcohol-based hand sanitizers/wipes on hands or objects can help reduce germ exposure. Changes in cabin pressure can also increase dehydration and fatigue, so drinking extra water—1-2 cups per hour—and avoiding alcoholic beverages can help keep you energized after you land. For more tips on staying healthy while you fly, take our quiz of the day.

Don’t let holiday shopping stress you out.

Giving gifts can be a fun and rewarding part of the holidays—but it can also lead to unnecessary stress leading up to Santa’s arrival, which can negatively impact holiday health. One major source of stress is the fear of going over budget. However, evaluating your funds before going to the store as well as having a plan outlined for how much you’re going to spend can alleviate anxiety. Staying on task when shopping instead of getting distracted by impulse buys can also help keep you within your budget. Shopping with a friend can help lift your spirits and keep you accountable/on task with your purchases. For more holiday shopping tips, take our featured quiz.

‘Tis better to give than to receive?

The holidays are the perfect time to get into the giving spirit—especially since volunteering is linked with reducing risk of premature death. Volunteering and other social interactions are key parts of holiday health that can help reduce stress—lowering blood pressure. Even as little as 2 hours per week of volunteering can help people—especially older adults—find purpose in life and lower risk of depression. And you don’t have to only work with an organization to feel good. Offering support and listening to a loved one, family member, or acquaintance can help you reap the benefits associated with the spirit of giving. For more benefits of volunteering and giving, take our daily quiz.


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