Online Workouts: Adapting Them to Work Just Right For You
With access to gyms and other indoor workout options severely limited, many of us are exercising at home and using online workouts more than ever.

New Year’s Resolutions: How to Create them Bulletproof
Research and common sense show us that most New Year’s resolutions fail within the first few months of the New Year. Half of people admit to giving up on their New Year’s goals before January 31st and only 8% of people are truly successful at achieving their resolutions. How can you beat the odds and achieve your goals despite these grim statistics?

Binge Watching: Can It Actually Benefit Your Mental Health?
What if it turned out binge watching—indulged in moderation— is actually a productive activity with a whole host of surprising benefits?

Keep Up With Friends and Family During Quarantine With These Fun and Creative Tips
To help you and your loved ones stay healthy and connected we have compiled a list of creative ways to engage with your friends, family and community no matter what challenges are thrown your way.

Brain Health: Learn the Brain-Boosting Benefits of Crossword Puzzles
When it comes to brain health, we’re all looking for ways to stay sharp. Do crossword puzzles train your brain the way dumbbells train your muscles? There is some research that says struggling to put the right letters in those little boxes can help protect…

Do I Need Medicare Supplement Insurance? Why the Benefits Usually Outweigh the Cost
If you take excellent care of yourself and rarely visit the doctor except for routine, preventative care, you may be wondering—do I need Medicare Supplement insurance? A Medicare supplement insurance plan helps pay the healthcare costs that original Medicare doesn’t cover, but if you don’t…

Lower Car Insurance Costs: Eight Tips for Drivers Ages 60+
Even if you don’t have any accidents or moving violations your auto insurance rates will likely begin to creep up after your 60th birthday. This is because older adults are more likely than middle-aged ones to be involved in traffic accidents. The good news is that there are lots of steps you can take to make sure you are getting the best possible rates on your car insurance.

Car Insurance Glossary: Vocabulary Terms to Help You Get a Deal
Getting the best deal on the car insurance you need starts with getting familiar with the many terms used to describe available policies. Understanding the lingo can also help you better compare policies to make sure you are getting the coverage you need.

Pain While Driving? Learn a Strength and Mobility Routine for Drivers Ages 65+
Driving is one of the most complex mentally, physically and emotionally challenging activities most of us do on a regular basis. We have created a short workout specially designed to help you regain and improve all of the motions most needed for safe driving.

Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day: Six Fun Ways to Celebrate
Most of us have been doing a lot of time traveling lately, remembering past days when we could jump on a plane and be somewhere totally different in just a few hours. Or daydreaming about future trips and where we may be able to go in the hopefully not so distant future. Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day takes our memories and fantasies to the next level and gives us a chance to break out of our daily ruts and imagine a totally different reality.
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