Working Out in Heat: Warm Weather Workout Tips For Your Summer Sweat
Longer days and balmy nights make the summer an awesome time to get and stay active, but working out in heat can be challenging. The following tips will keep you safe and strong as you get your summer workout on. Check the weatherIf possible, it…

LGBTQ Health and Wellness: Health Concerns of LGBTQ Older Adults
As LGBTQ identified people, we have lots to celebrate as our population has made tremendous gains in recognition and rights in the recent past. Still, when it comes LGBTQ health, LGBTQ-identified older adults have special concerns that may not impact other aging individuals. Facing these…

Working Out Older: The Advantages of Staying Active in Your 60s and Beyond
Exercising and staying active is rewarding at any age, but it can be particularly satisfying later in life. No matter if you’ve been exercising for years or are just beginning to get active, the wisdom you’ve acquired along the way can be of great assistance….

Using Social Media Wisely to Maximize Your Mental Health
There are always new studies coming out about how using social media is impacting our mental health. Taken at face value, the results are truly confusing. Some studies report that social media is making us jealous, anxious and depressed, while others find that social media…

Breast Cancer Awareness: Can Men Get Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer awareness month tends to focus on women since most patients are women, but many people don’t know men can also get the disease. This is because all humans are born with breast tissue and the small amount men retain throughout life makes it…

Flu Shot: How to Stay Healthy This Early Winter Flu Season
The flu shot is a great way to prevent influenza—a contagious respiratory infection that impacts millions of Americans each year. Symptoms include fever, body aches, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and fatigue. While most cases of the flu are mild and people recover on their…

National Drive-Thru Day: Tips For a Healthier Meal on the Go
July 24th is the day we celebrate that eating at drive-thrus is a very fun, if not entirely healthy American tradition. The first drive-thru opened in the 1930s, when Americans were really starting to fall in love with their automobiles and the freewheeling lifestyle. We…

World Emoji Day: Our Top Ten Picks for Best Fitness Emojis
Whether you are describing your latest workout or the metaphorical challenge of getting through each day, fitness-themed emojis are a great way to express yourself. The good news is that the emoji world is on a health and fitness kick and there are new ones…

10 Ways to Safeguard the Home For Healthy Aging In Place
Familiar surroundings are often the key to an older adult’s sense of well-being. Household hazards, however, can pose serious safety problems that can cause injury and even threaten independence. Falls and other accidents around the home are the leading cause of hospitalization and emergency room…

National Bike to Work Month: Tips for a Smooth Commute
Taking a bike to work can be amazing, life-affirming, and challenging. I’ve learned a lot in the 4 years that I’ve been commuting to work via pedal power. In honor of May being National Bike to Work Month, here are some of my favorite tips…
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