Health Hero Mark Cornelison Keeps the Weight Off After Biggest Loser
At age 43, Mark weighed 295 pounds and depended on medicine to survive. He had medicine to control his blood pressure, medicine to control his acid reflux, he even had medicine to control the side effects of taking lots of medicine. But as a married…

Health Hero Ray Carroll Loses 40 lbs After Health Scare
At age 42, Ray Carroll experienced a health scare that made him realize he needed to change his ways. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at an early age and, due to his weight gain, it was becoming increasingly difficult to control. He…

Health Hero Brad Farrell Loses 75 Lbs Running Triathlons
Brad Farrell enjoyed the skinny life as a kid, never having to worry about what he consumed or how much. Unfortunately, this came to a sharp halt when, in his mid-20s, his weight skyrocketed to nearly 230 pounds. His junk-filled diet became his enemy, rapidly…

Health Hero Tom Mulligan Loses An Amazing 115 lbs
Growing up playing multiple sports, Tom Mulligan ate as he pleased to accommodate how many calories he was burning during practices. His incredibly active lifestyle allowed him wiggle room on his diet without suffering much consequence. Eventually, Tom’s organized sporting days came to a close,…

Become a Health Hero And Get Featured!
Do you have an inspiring weight loss story or fitness journey? Let us feature you! Here at Health IQ, we believe in celebrating the health conscious! The health conscious are the unsung heroes of this world and deserve to be celebrated. That’s why we want…

Health IQ Hero Tyler Burkey On Being A Runner, Spartan Racer and #FitDad
Meet Health IQ Hero Tyler Burkey, a husband, father of 6 children and an active runner and Spartan racer. He recently became insured by Health IQ. Q. How long have you been running? A. I started running in earnest 9 years ago as a way…

Health Hero Steven Raft, Runner and Dad
In honor of #TransformationTuesday, we’re highlighting one of our Health IQ clients, Steven Raft. Steven is a runner, husband and father of two. At the age of 56, Steven is in the best shape of his life, having turned his health around after an inspiring…

Happy National Bike Month! Biking to Work Is Good for Your Health
May is National Bike Month, sponsored by our partner, the League of American Bicyclists. Established in 1956, National Bike Month celebrates the many benefits of cycling, which includes improved cardiovascular health greater longevity! Cyclists, Mark Your Calendar! Bike to Work Week will is May 15-19…

Health Hero Kammy Shuman: Yoga Practitioner and #FitMom
Health IQ client Kammy Shuman has been practicing yoga since 2003. She studied under Kathleen, Holly and Rowan at Prana Yoga and Dance and received her 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certification in 2011. She also received her Prenatal, Children’s, and Senior certification wih YogaFit. She…

Health IQ Celebrates #FitMoms in May! Enter to win a spa gift
In celebration of Mothers’ Day and health conscious moms everywhere, Health IQ launches its first #FitMoms contest! Enter to win a mom’s spa treat, such as a massage, fitness pass, facial, mani-pedi or gift card to Whole Foods. Share with a mom friend so she can…
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