Six Tips To Age Better and Healthier By Sleeping Like A Baby
If a drug could help us live longer, lose weight, decrease our chances of chronic diseases, cancer, and dementia, help us recover from exercise more efficiently to improve athletic performance, all while making us smarter, more attractive, and emotionally stronger, it would be considered a…

Tetanus Shot: Why You Should Stay Up-To-Date At Any Age
The news media recently picked up a CDC report documenting the effects of tetanus on a 6-year-old child in Oregon whose parents declined the tetanus shot. He contracted the disease in 2017. What started out as a simple cut on the forehead from playing on…

Keep Your Fitness On Track As You Spring Forward
While many people look forward to the extra hour of sleep when we “fall back,” keeping a positive attitude can be difficult in the groggy days after we “spring forward.” It might seem tempting to sleep in and skip your Monday morning workout, but disturbing…

Which Yoga Class Style Is Right For You?
If you are new to yoga, choosing a class can seem just as overwhelming as an hour-long downward facing dog. And while yoga and yogic philosophy is a rich, varied science that can take many forms—not just physically—we’ve compiled a list of some the most common yoga classes you’ll find at your local gym or studio.

Healthy Valentine’s Day: Getting Your Groove On for a Fit and Flirtatious Day
Chocolates and roses and jewelry—oh my! Many people are looking for ways to sweep their Valentines off their feet. But those rich meals, glasses of champagne, and sweets might lead to an energy crash that can leave you more “wired and tired” than “hot and…

Gettin’ Hitched? Better Start Comparing Life Insurance Quotes
While love and marriage often go together like a horse and carriage (as the song goes), the “marriage” aspect of this union often entails much more than just fancy dinners and long walks on the beach. Building a life together often means facing some very…

Resolutions for 2019: Are You Ready for the Resolution Revolution?
New Year’s Day has come and gone and many people are flocking to gyms, pulling out their calorie counters, and searching the web for every article on the latest health fad. While most people who make resolutions for 2019 have the best intentions, a fair…

New Year’s Resolution: Achieving It the SMART Way
With the New Year, folks all over the world are participating in the time-honored tradition of setting a New Year’s Resolution. Unfortunately for many people, those well-intentioned goals often fall on the back burner come February 1—if not sooner. While it can be difficult to…

Holiday Health: Tips for Surviving the Holiday Bustle
With the holiday season in full swing, you might get stressed just thinking about the hours you might spend at the airport or mall. That’s why This Week’s blog post shares tips to help you manage your mental, physical, and emotional health during the holidays….

Is Holiday Weight Gain An Inevitable Part of the Winter Season?
With winter festivities in full swing, it might seem impossible to avoid high-calorie treats and busy travel schedules that often lead to holiday weight gain. However with a few tricks, you can increase your chances of eating healthy and moving your body this holiday season….
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