This Week’s What Do I Need To Know About……Exercising With Lung Conditions, Healthy Salsas, and Whole Grains
With Cinco de Mayo coming up this week, many people might be tempted to overindulge. Thankfully, Health IQ’ s got you covered when it comes to nutrition-packed, waist-slimming salsa recipes. We also explore other ways to stay healthy, including which whole grains can help you…

Health Hero Ginny Johnson Winters Shares How Hiking Saved Her Life
As a Montana native who grew up with horses, 57-year-old Ginny Johnson Winters thrives in the great outdoors. When she isn’t working for the TSA or doing home transcription, one can find her cleaning horse stables, doing landscaping work, or hiking the steepest trails she…

This Week’s What Do I Need To Know About……Sleeping Like A Victorian, Noise Pollution, and Golf Swings
As April shifts to May, the days are getting longer—which can affect sleep—and more people are spending time outdoors. This week, we explore experimental ways to sleep as well as learn how to stay healthy when enjoying outdoor activities. Can sleeping like a Victorian improve…

This Week’s What Do I Need to Know About……Intermittent Fasting, Calorie Cutting, and Curbing Cravings
There’s a lot of debate on whether cutting calories is a safe, sustainable, or healthy option—with conflicting information on what works and what doesn’t. This week, we take a closer look at the latest research on which methods for cutting calories are the most effective…

Health Hero Ron Soldano Shares How Bodybuilding Allows Him To Be The Oldest Teenager You’ll Ever Meet
Ron Soldano is a man whose passion for bodybuilding and drive to serve others allows him to live life, as he says, “on full throttle.” The 64-year-old New Jersey native—and self-proclaimed “oldest teenager you’ll ever meet”—moved from his childhood home of Montvale in his mid-20s…

This Week’s What Do I Need to Know About……Springing Into Marathon Season
If it’s the third Monday in April, it must be the Boston Marathon. We’ve all heard of the friend, co-worker, or family member who pores over every detail of training and preparation, striving to qualify, and making it to the race of their dreams. You…

Health Hero Reno Altschul Shares How Discipline Helps Him Achieve Mastery
For Health Hero Reno Altschul, working out is non-negotiable. The 64-year-old Lexington, Kentucky resident simply does not give himself the option of slowing down. One will find Reno at the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays lifting weights for an hour before riding 18-20 miles…

This Week’s What Do I Need to Know About……Workout Timing, Espresso Hits, and Post-Meal Walks
This week, we explore how simple hacks in the timing of your workouts or when you have a cup o’ joe can have scientifically proven benefits for your health and performance. What time of day is the body at its physical peak? Circadian rhythm patterns…

This Week’s What Do I Need to Know About……Weightlifting, Rain, and Bacon
You’re generally a health conscious person. You eat well, go running and maybe even do strength training. But do you know the best way to lift weights to fight anxiety? Or that a rainy jog might give you a metabolic boost? How about bacon…that’s healthier?…

Health Hero Angie Foster Reveals How Showing Up Is Her Secret To Success
If you want to grab a cup of tea with Angie Foster, you’d best get an appointment on her calendar. The 50-year-old Lexington, Kentucky resident just might be able to squeeze you in between her job as a reading specialist to early elementary school children,…
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