What Life Insurance Underwriters Actually Do to Pick Your Rates
Underwriters are the ones who make the final decision to approve your application for life insurance and assign your rate. Your rate is based on their evaluation of the likelihood you will pass away during the term of your policy. To determine your rate, the…

Preferred Plus? Standard? Making Sense of Life Insurance Rate Categories
Life insurance agents can use a lot of complex terms to explain how your policy works, but it doesn’t have to be complicated to understand. One of the most important concepts in life insurance is your risk category, also called a rating class. Your risk…

Millennials Get the Best Rates on Life Insurance & They Aren’t Even Taking Advantage Of It
For many millennials, life insurance is not a high priority. A 2015 study from Life Happens and LIMRA found “60% of millennials prioritize mobile phones, internet, and cable over life insurance”. Presumably, this may be because the idea of death may seem far away to…

How to Prepare for Your Insurance Medical Exam
When it comes to getting life insurance, it’s all a bit confusing, and perhaps nothing is more so than a life insurance medical exam. This physical exam is how insurers determine how healthy you are, and the answer to this test could drastically change your…

How to Choose a Life Insurance Company
Choosing a life insurance company that fits your needs isn’t always easy. For example: you live a healthy lifestyle and you need an insurer like Health IQ that can offer you a policy that reflects that choice to live life to the fullest. Health IQ…

Is Your Insurance Mislabeling You?
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to life insurance. Insurers base their rates on numerous factors related to health, so what you pay for your life insurance may not be the same rate a friend your age pays. It’s just a fact of life. Unfortunately, as…

Life Insurance and Divorce – What You Should Know
Divorce is one of the most stressful and heartbreaking events that a person can endure. Divvying up property, money, and sorting out child custody are among the most daunting tasks, yet few realize that life insurance is an integral portion of the divorce settlement. It…

The Seven Weirdest Things Ever Insured
For most of us, insurance needs are limited to life, home, and auto. In some special cases, though, people have purchased insurance policies to protect against events that are slightly less ordinary. Lloyd’s of London specializes in these unusual policies. Read on to learn more…

What Happens When You Lie on a Life Insurance Application?
The first thing you’re probably thinking is “why would anyone lie on a life insurance application?” And that’s a good question. On the surface, it seems silly to lie when getting a life insurance policy as it’s not the same as health insurance in that…

Understanding Insurance Measurement Practices
Insurance providers use different methods of measuring your body and assessing health to see which type of insurance rates you qualify for. Once your health is assessed, which typically includes reviewing your body mass index (BMI), you’re placed in an insurance classification that determines how…
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