Should You Get Group Life Insurance?
Open enrollment comes up annually, and this is the time to opt-in to group life insurance and supplemental insurance policies. Many large companies offer basic group life insurance to employees at no cost. While this is a great benefit, there are some possible downsides of…

Pre-Existing Conditions and Life Insurance
How your health affects your life insurance coverage may surprise you. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic condition, make sure you understand how pre-existing conditions affect life insurance before you start shopping for a new policy. The Role of Health in Life Insurance Coverage…

What Is BMI and How Does It Impact Your Life Insurance Rates
BMI, or body mass index, carries a lot of weight in the health world. But what is it and why should you pay attention to it? Find out why BMI matters and how it can impact your life insurance rates. What Is BMI? On the…

5 Ways You’re Losing Out on Your on Life Insurance Rates
Life insurance is something many people with families worry about, especially when there are so many different types and rates out there. An individual life insurance rate is supposed to be determined by how healthy the buyer is. This can include uncontrollable factors like family…

A Brief Introduction to Common Life Insurance Terms
If you’re considering purchasing life insurance, you’ve got the right idea. Life insurance can provide much-needed financial assistance for your loved ones in the wake of your passing, assist with paying off any outstanding debts, and (in the case of some permanent life insurance plans)…

Life Insurance Tips for Millennials
You might not consider yourself a millennial, but if you were born after 1984, most sociologists place you in that category. Most people in early adulthood are concerned with starting families, purchasing homes, and beginning to save for retirement. While life insurance isn’t often on…

Application Process: Post Exam
Congratulations on Completing Your Exam! _x_ Step One: Initiate Your Life Insurance Application with your Agent _x_ Step Two: Schedule and Complete Your Medical Exam _x_ Step Three: Return your Signed Application. The signature is required for the insurance carrier to review your application and make you an offer. Signing is…
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