In honor of #TransformationTuesday, we’re highlighting one of our Health IQ clients, Steven Raft. Steven is a runner, husband and father of two. At the age of 56, Steven is in the best shape of his life, having turned his health around after an inspiring fitness transformation. We interviewed Steven who recently purchased a life insurance policy through Health IQ.
Q. Tell us about your health journey. Have you always been health conscious?
A. While I’m very active now with running and frequent exercise, I wasn’t always health conscious. In fact, I “woke up” in January 2007 weighing the heaviest I have in my life. I was horrified. I decided that something needed to change and went to see my doctor who gave me a packet on a high protein/low carb/low fat diet. I knew this was a good way of eating as it helped my wife lose a lot of weight . However, I only lost a few pounds that year. The following January, my friends and I decided to put our money together to join a group weight loss challenge. We pledged $10 per pound we wanted to lose, with the winner taking the prize money for most weight lost.
I started to eat properly and seriously work out with a trainer for the first time in my life. I lost 18lbs and won the pot, and donated it to the American Heart Association. Inspired by my weight loss progress, I continued to train and lost a total of 36 pounds in 4 months! I did my first of fifteen 5K’s that fall. I recently completed the LA Marathon, just weeks before my medical checkup for Health IQ. I’m in the best shape of my life, so it’s a great time to get life insurance!
Q. What made you decide to look for life insurance?
A. Unfortunately I am an executive in transition and the life policy I had through my last employer was not portable. My wife and I discussed replacing the policy to protect her and the kids.
Q. How did you find out about Health IQ?
A. I have quite a few friends who sell insurance very successfully for a living and I was going to decide who to speak. Then, I saw HealthIQ’s ad in my Facebook feed one Saturday evening . The lower rates for active people intrigued me as I have been recently active again because of my being in transition. I reached out and received a response from Munjal almost immediately and was impressed with the Health IQ advantages and reasons for special rates.
Q. What was the process of getting life insurance from Health IQ like?
A. The application process was very simple and quick! I had a detailed call with my agent about how your program works, my insurance needs, my level of activity and health journey. We then went through some quotes and some terms and scheduled a medical exam. From my initial contact through the FB ad to getting my policy in place took 49 days and at very reasonable rates considering I am 56. Whenever I contacted the company, I was pleasantly responded to very quickly. The level of service was really amazing and very friendly.
Q. What did you think about the special rate life insurance for runners?
A. I love the fact that runners can qualify for special rates with Health IQ just by doing what they love! I have running for several years now, and was able to qualify for the special rate with the Health IQ quiz and my race results. I was really happy with the premiums for my policy, which are extraordinarily inexpensive for someone my age.
Q. Tell us about your family!
A. I’m inspired every day by my dear wife, who is in the fittest shape of her life and works out 6 days a week. She’s been coaching a Special Olympics track team for the past 12+ years and also walks our dog several miles a day. Both my kids work out regularly and were both on the sprint team at their high school. My daughter (24) plays softball and soccer in adult leagues with people from work each week. My son (22) has pick up soccer or basketball games with friends. We’re all leading active, healthy lifestyles and enjoy family time.