When it comes to getting life insurance, it’s all a bit confusing, and perhaps nothing is more so than a life insurance medical exam. This physical exam is how insurers determine how healthy you are, and the answer to this test could drastically change your quoted life insurance premium. To make sure that you’re ready for your insurance medical exam, follow these simple tips….

What Is the Life Insurance Medical Exam?

Life insurance is an important part of any family breadwinner, and if anything happens to them, they’ll know their family will have the financial support they need. In some cases, you may have to take a medical exam to get you the coverage you need. Most exams consist of two parts: a verbal questionnaire and a physical exam. These are normally done to verify the information you gave on your application, get full disclosure of your medical history, and identify any potential health risks from pre-existing conditions. Most exams take no more than 20 minutes, and they are often done from the comfort of your home.

During the physical part of the exam, a medical health professional will take your height and weight, test your blood pressure, and collect urine and blood samples. The verbal portion will ask questions about your exercise level, family medical history, and how much you consume alcohol, tobacco products, or narcotics. Because most exams have thorough testing for alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, it’s best to give honest answers on your exam.

Does Everyone Have to Take the Exam?

Almost all life insurance companies issue an exam, but some providers are shying away from it. Many companies find that policy holders between 28 and 42 are relatively healthy, making the exam an unnecessary expenditure. If you’re in this age group, you may avoid the exam altogether. However, applicants over 50 may need an exam and an EKG as well. As each provider is different, you’ll have to check to see what exams you’ll need before you get coverage from your preferred Health IQ provider.

Watch What You Eat

Once you’ve scheduled your exam, you’ll probably have a few weeks to get your health in order. The first step during this time is to watch what you eat. If possible, reduce fat, sodium, and sugar consumption. All of these substances can increase your blood pressure, which is one of the most important factors in lowering your monthly premiums or gaining coverage at all. Higher blood pressure increases your chances of hypertension, which many insurance companies look at when determining if you’ll receive life insurance. Sodium and fat can also increase cholesterol levels, negatively impacting your exam and lessening your chances for premium class health insurance from Health IQ.

Drink Tons of Water

Water is especially important on the days leading up to your medical exam and on the day of the exam. Water cleans out your digestive and urinary tracts, while also increasing blood flow and enabling you to produce a urine sample easily. On top of these positive aspects, drinking a ton of water can put you in a better mood and give you a burst of energy, which is definitely something you’ll want when it comes to your exam.

Skip the Gym

It may seem counterintuitive to skip the gym before your life insurance medical exam, but it’s actually one of the best things you can do. When you do a heavy weightlifting or cardio workout, it elevates your blood pressure and pulse. Although the effects are only temporary, it can give a false positive for high-risk health concerns. If you simply can’t stop going to the gym, make it a light workout starting five to seven days before your exam.

Cut Coffee, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use

If your morning routine consists of a pot of coffee, or a latte and a cigarette, you’ll need to avoid it on the day of your exam, and preferably for a few days before the exam, and even before your quote from Health IQ. Caffeine and nicotine push your blood pressure up. In addition, you need to avoid alcohol for about a week before your exam. Even trace amounts of alcohol in your blood can adversely affect your monthly premium, and it may also show that you’re at risk for alcoholism in the future.

Schedule an Early Exam

One of the best ways to ensure good results on your exam is to schedule it for early in the day. This has many beneficial aspects. As a general rule, you won’t want to eat 8 to 12 hours before the exam, as it has adverse effects on your exam results. When you schedule an early exam, you can use your night’s rest as a fasting period. That way you aren’t tempted to grab anything when you wake up.

Preparing for your life insurance medical exam isn’t nearly as difficult as you may think if you just follow a few tips. Use Health IQ to find the best rates before you plan your medical exam. Not only will your body be in great shape, but it will put your mind at ease.