Spring Walking Workout: Tips for Beginning an Outdoor Walking Practice for Health
This spring, getting out of the house for some new experiences has taken on a whole new meaning in many of our lives. As the weather warms up and more places are open, the spring walking workout can be a perfect opportunity to start up a walking practice for health and wellness.

Spring Exercise: Simple Ways To Build A Fitness Habit for Sprin
If you are ready to kickstart your spring fitness routine there are several things you can do to make sure you stick to your plan and get the results you want.

Health and Savings: 6 Tricks For Saving Money and Getting Healthier At the Same Time
Though not often spoken of together, physical and fiscal fitness are highly related. This means improving your physical fitness can positively impact your financial fitness and vice versa. Read on for ways to get physically and fiscally stronger and more resilient.

April Edition: Practical Health and Wellness Research
Our regular “Research Round Up” feature will bring you the latest in practical health and wellness research that you can use to make the best choices in your life. This edition investigates what exercise intensities are healthiest, how to deal with the pandemic exercise doldrums…

Mobility Training: Why You Should Be Incorporating Mobility Into Your Workout
Mobility is your body’s ability to move freely and easily. Adding mobility training to your routine will help you move better, decrease your risk of injury and increase your potential for greater strength. As an added bonus, mobility training can add fun and play to your fitness life, helping to keep you engaged and excited to move.

COVID Fitness: Opportunities and Obstacles to Staying Healthy
Keeping up with a COVID fitness routine isn’t easy. Most people have had their daily lives and healthy habits at least somewhat disrupted due to ongoing restrictions and precautions. The good news is that while the current reality has made being healthy more difficult in some ways, it has also created unique opportunities in others.

Boost Your Mental Health in Just Five Minutes a Day—Tips and Tricks
Small doses of mentally healthy activities have been shown to help people feel better and develop more resilience, which is the key to long term mental health. Each one of our 5-minute mental health boosters is designed to quickly improve your mood and help you feel a bit more positive, no matter what challenges are coming your way.

Online Workouts: Adapting Them to Work Just Right For You
With access to gyms and other indoor workout options severely limited, many of us are exercising at home and using online workouts more than ever.

Predict Your Health Risk With These Simple Fitness Tests
Most people have heard of the VO2 max test, often used by athletes to precisely measure their cardiovascular fitness levels by measuring how much oxygen the athlete can utilize during exercise. These fitness tests can also be used by non-athletes to provide an estimate measure…

Resolutions for 2019: Are You Ready for the Resolution Revolution?
New Year’s Day has come and gone and many people are flocking to gyms, pulling out their calorie counters, and searching the web for every article on the latest health fad. While most people who make resolutions for 2019 have the best intentions, a fair…
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