Podcasts for Health and Wellbeing After Age 60: Our Top Five Picks
There are several important dimensions to health and wellbeing. Physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing are all important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. And finding inspiration can make the journey so much easier. One way to get an extra dose of motivation is through…

Getting Smart with Home Devices: 5 Ways to Improve Your Life
Smart home devices are technology systems that can be automatically activated by a phone, tablet or sometimes by voice alone. These devices can make your day-to-day life more convenient and contribute to a pleasant atmosphere, but they can also increase the safety of your home….

Mental Health: The Benefits of Spending Time With Your Community During the Holidays
This holiday season, many of us appreciate the value of community more than ever. At the same time, loneliness is an epidemic in the United States, with more people than ever expressing feelings of being subjectively more isolated than they’d like to be. There are…

Beginner Pickleball: Is Pickleball the New Sport for You to Try?
Pickleball is a fast growing sport with a really funny name. This game combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping pong to create a fun and fast pace activity enjoyed by people of all ages

Health Benefits of Sun: What is a Healthy Amount of Sunshine?
Balancing skin protection with vitamin D absorption is a conundrum many health conscious people struggle with. As the weather warms and outdoor activities increase, this problem moves from a hypothetical one to a pressing, practical issue. We have summarized the latest research and recommendations from…

Health Benefits of Pets: How Pets Make us Better, Healthier Humans
If you are a pet owner you are already aware of the many joys of having an animal friend including companionship, unconditional affection and a furry face looking at you adoringly. But did you know that taking care of a pet also has many physical,…

National Nurses Day: Five Nurses Who Have Impacted the Frontline Heroes of Today
Celebrating National Nurses Day this year has special significance, after the amazing contributions and sacrifices of nurses across the country during an unprecedented time. National Nurses Day is at the end of National Nurses Week, which begins each year on May 6 and goes through…

Mother’s Day 2021: Celebrating A Vision of Empowered Motherhood
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and guardians out there doing the important work of nurturing, caring for and guiding children. We hope you feel appreciated and valued on this special day.

No Diet Day: What Can We Learn From International “No Diet Day?”
May 6th is International “No Diet Day,” an annual social media campaign that encourages people to question and reject aspects of popular diet culture that are not beneficial for them. This movement reinforces the importance of defining health and wellness on one’s own terms, encouraging body acceptance and showing respect for all body shapes and sizes.

New CDC Mask Guidelines: Recommendations for People Who Have Been Vaccinated
The CDC announced that there are new rules regarding mask-wearing for people who have been vaccinated. In general, it is now considered permissible to be in outdoor spaces without a mask if you have been vaccinated. However, the new rules are fairly complicated with quite a few stipulations.
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