Spring Walking Workout: Tips for Beginning an Outdoor Walking Practice for Health
This spring, getting out of the house for some new experiences has taken on a whole new meaning in many of our lives. As the weather warms up and more places are open, the spring walking workout can be a perfect opportunity to start up a walking practice for health and wellness.

Snacks After Workout: What’s the Best Snack After Exercising?
Having a strong post-workout snack game will ensure you get the most out of the effort you put into your workout. Research also shows that your body is uniquely primed to accept fuel and nutrients are an exercise session, which makes this window especially important.

Mobility Training: Why You Should Be Incorporating Mobility Into Your Workout
Mobility is your body’s ability to move freely and easily. Adding mobility training to your routine will help you move better, decrease your risk of injury and increase your potential for greater strength. As an added bonus, mobility training can add fun and play to your fitness life, helping to keep you engaged and excited to move.

COVID Fitness: Opportunities and Obstacles to Staying Healthy
Keeping up with a COVID fitness routine isn’t easy. Most people have had their daily lives and healthy habits at least somewhat disrupted due to ongoing restrictions and precautions. The good news is that while the current reality has made being healthy more difficult in some ways, it has also created unique opportunities in others.

Winter Workouts: 6 Tips for Being a Winter Workout Champion
Shorter days and colder temperatures make outdoor exercise less tempting and in some harsher climates downright impossible. Add in COVID based restrictions on indoor exercise options and the challenges are even greater. To help you out along the way we have compiled some of the best tips and tools for staying fit during the colder months.

Exercise Recovery: Using Deep Relaxation to Boost Your Mental Health
Exercise is an important part of physical and mental health, but maintaining a workout routine over the winter holidays can be challenging. Along with all the distractions of the holidays, as temperatures get colder and barometric pressure in the air changes, winter workouts can leave muscles, tendons, and ligaments even more sore. This means recovery techniques that soothe the body and mind from holiday stress can be especially important in the winter months. Here is our guide to the top five recovery techniques you can do from home for the body and mind.

Pain While Driving? Learn a Strength and Mobility Routine for Drivers Ages 65+
Driving is one of the most complex mentally, physically and emotionally challenging activities most of us do on a regular basis. We have created a short workout specially designed to help you regain and improve all of the motions most needed for safe driving.
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