Dear TIA Members,

Did you know you could get paid to teach tennis online?  Health IQ and TIA just launched a pilot program where affiliates are paid for every user that passes a tennis related quiz, such as the Health Benefits of Racquet Sports quiz.

As a TIA member, you have the opportunity to become a Health IQ affiliate and receive:

  • $1 per person that passes the quiz
  • $150 if that person that later applies for Health IQ’s special rate insurance
  • $100 – $300 to create your own tennis quiz (available to affiliates with 250 + quiz finishes)

Health IQ can even give you the quiz’s HTML so you can display as a blog post on your site (example What’s Your Vegan IQ?).  To learn more about the program and Health IQ’s mission to improve the health of the world, head over to the affiliate signup page, or email with more questions. 

Help us promote tennis as a healthy sport!

–  Brian O’Donnell