Air Pollution: Are Green Household Products Safe Enough?

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Chances are, you've heard of the "green" cleaning fad. Studies are releasing shocking information about the cleaners we use each day. There's even an app that can help you rate just how "dirty" those cleaners are. Many of us get frightened by statistics like these, especially when they claim that our favorite cleaners can damage our lungs, our children's brains, and worse. Companies bank on that fear and create advertisements for cleaners that claim to replace our old standbys, with none of the toxins. These advertisements, like most, can be convincing ã but in reality, how much better are these "green" cleaners? This quiz will open your eyes to the truth about green household products, and the results may surprise you. You'll learn what manufacturers are required to disclose, what ingredients they have to list, and what they can legally sweep under the rug. You'll be able to make an educated decision about what types of chemicals you allow in your house and the risks of certain chemicals. You'll also learn about cleaning options that are truly better for your family. This quiz might help you save money, too. Making your own green cleaning products is actually cheaper than purchasing the store-bought variety. In your pantry, you probably have most of the ingredients needed to make basic household cleaners. This is a great option because it puts YOU in control of what goes into your family's lungs. It gives you a chance to eliminate toxins while customizing each cleaner to fit your individual needs. If you have a family member who has sensitive skin or chemical allergies, this can be a real game-changer. If you don't have the time or desire to make your own cleaners, there are many store-bought options that really do fit the green cleaning label. This quiz will show you just what to look for on the labelsPopular Tips and Member Q&As:What Else Can Life Insurance Be Used For?Popular Quizzes: