Walking: Stepping Out for Health and Fitness

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When someone mentions the word exercise, walking might not be the first thing that pops into your mind, but maybe it should be. Exercise does not have to leave you exhausted and gasping for breath. In fact, it is something that can be easier to stick with when you are more comfortable doing it. That being said, you do want to get your heart rate up for maximum benefit, but you should still be able to talk in brief sentences while you're in motion.

Benefits of Walking

Being able to talk makes walking a perfect activity to perform with a friend, spouse, or group. Having others to walk with leads to accountability, which leads to better results. When walking with others whose company you enjoy, walking certainly seems less like exercise and more like a social visit. But you still get all of the benefits associated with exercise. My husband and I often exercise together and find that it is a perfect time to visit and catch up on things. We refer our time exercising together as "dates."Walking by yourself has its benefits as well. I find that it is a perfect time to sort through the day's events and "sort out thoughts" that might be cluttering your mind. A nice walk through the woods or on a scenic trail is very relaxing. Sometimes, I like to zone out and just listen to some good music or my favorite talk radio show. If you want to make the most of your time, there are always educational podcasts or some good audiobooks. The only problem here is that you might not be ready to stop.Many exercises aren't exactly cheap when you start adding up the costs of the equipment required. Walking, on the other hand, doesn't really require that much. That being said, you do want a good pair of walking shoes for your feet. Other than that, you are ready to hit the road.Walking is safe for most people at any age. If your physician feels that you are safe to begin an exercise program, walking is probably a good place to start. It's relatively low impact and puts less pressure on knees and hips than many other exercise options.Walking is a safe, enjoyable, low impact exercise that is often an excellent option for people who want to live a healthier lifestyle.P.S. - Don't forget to bring some water!

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