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Claudia Rosetti
How Do You Choose Healthy Gluten Free Food?
164 Upvotes 56 Tips
56 tips in this thread
Julie Petrovic
I suggested this quiz because my whole family was diagnosed as gluten intolerant. When we eliminated gluten a lot of our headaches, skin rashes and constant upset tummies went away. I was curious though if there was any negative impact like not absorbing calcium, that eating gluten free was having on my family. We are all a lot healthier now. I'm sorry some of you didn't like my topic as a quiz. I try and learn as much as I can to impact my health in a positive way but I recognize that this didn't apply to many people out there.
J Tate
Marketing went to bed with science and they had a baby called "gluten free". They both know the American people are poorly educated and seeking to be their own personal lord and savior through diet and health.
Karla Hurley
I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2007, and was so thankful for the diagnosis! I suffered for many years with multiple symptoms . Though I have my days when I struggle and want to eat "regular" food , I do feel so much better now that I'm completely gluten free. My tip for staying gluten free is to thoroughly educate yourself about Celiac Disease and gluten free foods. Also, I find that keeping healthy gluten free snacks in my office and car help me not to eat non-gluten free foods in days when I'm super busy or being tempted by food my family or coworkers may be eating.
Robert Germano
You do not have to be celiac to be gluten sensitive. Go to a naturopathic doctor and get for you and your family members a blood inflammation test for $250 each and see which foods inflame you. Both of my daughters have severe inflammation from gluten but they are not celiac. I myself am severely inflammatory to dairy and cow's milk hence the stomach problems from 18 to 40 years old, but not anymore. Also read online as to why alot of the younger generation has become inflammatory to gluten ! It's not just marketing, its real, but some people overreact or mid-informed.
margie stevens
Unless you are diagnosed with the the condition why would you treat it? That would be like taking medicine for an illness you don't have.
Chris James Hunter
Many people don't know that diet was created by the Russian president Vladimir Gluten.
casey collier
1% are Celiac (including me) 2-3% are gluten intolerant. If you feel better on a gluten free diet, it could be that you are one of the 4% of people that actually benefit from going GF. If not, don't waste your money and time. For people with Celiac, even small amounts of gluten is a serous health condition. Most people treat GF as just a fad diet, which causes uneducated individuals to be less cautious when preparing food for those with Celiac. Treat Celiac just like any other serious allergy (peanuts, shellfish, etc).
Becki Pearl
Eat fresh, not processed, then there are fewer questions about whether something is gluten loaded. Educate yourself. There's lots of information available
Rosa Noble
Just avoid processed foods! You'll feel better even if you're not celiac .