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Debbie Price Gouker
I Am A Sugar Addict What Can I Do To Stop Craving Sweets?
25 Upvotes 15 Tips
15 tips in this thread
I don't care what anyone says, sugar is a real addiction. Easiest is cold turkey -- the first three days are hell, but by the third week you won't be tempted. Make sure you pick the right time to do it and that you have full support. It's easier if you do not have any fake sweeteners or high glycemic index (refined) carbs while quitting, otherwise you'll just addict yourself to croissants and potatoes. You will be surprised how easy it is to pass up donuts once you are no longer a carb addict.
J jorgensen
I am too. I did a sugar cleanse - zero sugar, no dairy, no red meat, no 'whites' - and it took 4 days for the actual sugar cravings to end. In about 10 days I walked into the grocery store and discovered the scent of fresh fruit and veggies was creating a new craving. In another couple weeks I was craving veggies and had no craving for sugar. You need to treat it like an addiction. At least for 6-8 weeks - cut it right out.
Just remember that you crave it because it is an addiction not because it is good for you. The cravings will always be there. Once you realize how dangerous sugar is you will gain more control over the addiction. Sugar feeds cancer cells and is one of the first things you will learn to do without if this ever affects you.
Foods high in fiber - nuts/almonds, fruit (apples, blueberries) together is the best since nuts/almonds are high in good fats it will slow down the sugar release keeping you fuller and less cravings. Water and more frequents meals will also help but That's not to say you won't need some strong will power but it will help.
Sarah Pitchkolan
Throw away all sugar/processed foods easily accessible to you, at home, the office,etc. always have a healthy snack on hand when a craving for sugar comes, nuts, veggies, fruit. After a week or so your body won't be addicted to the sugar and if you eat sugar again it will taste different because you won't be addicted to it anymore.
Julie Madrona
Increase your consumption of fruits and veggies- at least 5/ day, more veggies than fruits- this has made a WORLD of difference for me with what use to be sometimes monstrous sugar cravings. If you get the urge, have something with healthy fat instead- then you'll actually feel satiated.
Amy Suri
I am also a sugar addict and have worked really hard to get it under control. I "fall off the wagon" from time to time but I always manage to get back on track. I recently bought a "kitchen safe." It's a product I saw on Shark Tank. This simple solution allows me to keep sweets in the house that my husband and kids can enjoy. I always set it to open when my husband is home so we can enjoy something together and then lock it. You can lock it for a few minutes or up to 10 days. Good luck on your journey.