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Share Your Tip For Avoiding Colds/Flu.
Ruth Ann
Wash hands often and keep them away from your face.
Martin Burch
Wrap yourself in sterile material and only see people through a two way video system.
michelle h
When you see them coming walk the opposite way. 😵
Kyle Glashower
Drink plenty of water and eat your fruits and veggies
Bob Hoffmann
Get plenty of rest and exercise and eat healthy.
Heidi Egeler Nation
stay away from kids!! they are GERMY!! ;)
Jayne Jimmy Jess Webber
Increase my vitamin c intake and get 7-8 hours of sleep to help boost my immune system. Also wash my hands with antibacterial soap. I also get a flu and pneumonia shot. 💉
Ted Wagner
Always use a paper town to open a public restroom door when leaving after doing your business.
Tracy Fettinger
oil pulling & the netti pot!!