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Grace Kim
What Has Helped You Or A Loved One With Depression?
138 Upvotes 58 Tips
58 tips in this thread
Vanessa Gail Woods
Prayer and meditation help me remember that anything over my head is under God's feet.
Clara Osborne
Get help, its not a sign of weakness. It takes more strength and courage to reach up than it does to stay down. Depression does not have to be the end it can very well be a begining for better days to come, for you and other depressed persons. You matter and depression does not have to have the final say
Lesyle Gant
Strengthening my personal relationship with God, a good therapist, being socially active, and working out!
John Rodwick
As a young man in my 20's and 30's I experienced several bouts of crippling depression mostly caused by unresolved childhood issues and body image/sexual issues. With psychotherapy, a diet designed to treat hypoglycemia, and a consistent exercise program I was able to successfully overcome this horrid disability. Today I am completely free of any symptoms.
Martin Burch
I'm so depressed after taking this quiz. I was fine before I missed so many questions. Now I'm a total loser. I'll never amount to anything. Thanks Health IQ for ruining my miserable life. ðŸ˜
Chris James Hunter
When I'm depressed, my girlfriend notices and becomes depressed too. However, seeing her depressed makes me feel better; I love the misery of others. Then when she sees I'm not depressed, she lightens up too. Which in turn makes me depressed again. It's a vicious cycle. We're probably not great for each other.
David Smith
What has helped with depression is being other focused (love of): first God, then family starting with my wife and children/grandchildren and neighbor.
melissa white
Someone in tips mentioned getting yourself a good checkup for physical conditions. So true about having your physical self checked out. Lots of hidden physical issues can contribute to feelings of depression. I was feeling depressed and had absolutely NO energy to live my life a couple of years ago, which added to the depressed mindset, and I found out I had had anemia (8.2 which is very low) for who knows how long. Getting that balanced out really helped my mood.
Jessica Hay Hogan
Talk therapy one on one has helped tremendously with my postpartum depression and severe anxiety. I also have an amazing psychiatrist who listens to what I have to say and isn't one of these pill pushers, he wants my opinion. I am the only one who knows my body. Have your hormones checked to see if anything is wrong with your thyroid, pituitary, etc. Go with your gut instincts. And don't be ashamed to get help!