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Food allergies are on the rise worldwide with more than 6 million children in America suffering from at least one. There are lots of different theories about why more children develop them now, including food processing, the hygiene hypothesis, and the effects of migration. Genetic factors may also play a part.However, whatever the reason, living with food allergies is challenging. The constant possibility of a having life threatening reaction affects every aspect of your life. It means adapting school, social, and leisure activities and making sure family and caregivers understand how to avoid allergens.It is possible to be allergic to any food, although eight foods account for the vast majority of reactions. People with allergies need to vigilant about the food they eat, check ingredients carefully, and carry emergency medication at all times. Experiencing a serious anaphylactic reaction is very scary. This ongoing worry psychologically impacts people and causes stress and anxiety levels to soar.The good news is, it is possible to outgrow food allergies. There are many contributing factors to this but there is no way to clearly predict who will or won't. Most young children who have allergies to milk and eggs will probably grow out of them by the time they start school, while other allergies are more persistent.In this quiz you will learn more about the most common food allergies and who is at the greatest risk. If a child has not outgrown an allergy by a certain age, then the chance that it will be a lifelong condition rises significantly. Find out some of the factors that contribute to outgrowing allergies and what age this is most likely to happen.